Join our Offline or Online Classes to learn more. A part-time job you would wish to pursue abroad The shopping experience in a street market
Tag: Person based cue cards
Predicted IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Discussions – Nov – Dec 2022
Join our Offline or Online Classes to learn more. 1. A House or Apartment You Would Like to Live In – DISCUSSION Do you think
Predicted IELTS Speaking Cue Cards – Nov – Dec 2022
Join our Offline or Online Classes to learn more. 1. Describe an English class/lesson that you enjoyed. You should say: What was taught in the
Predicted IELTS Speaking Person-Based Cue Cards
Join our Offline or Online Classes to learn more. Describe a person you know who is from a different culture Describe a person who you
Latest Cue Cards
Category wise segregated Person Based Cue Cards Describe a person you have seen (met) who is beautiful or handsome When and where you saw or