Predicted IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Discussions – Nov – Dec 2022

Predicted IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Discussions – Nov – Dec 2022

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1. A House or Apartment You Would Like to Live In – DISCUSSION

  • Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?
  • How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?
  • Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?
  • What options are available to young couples looking for accommodation in your country?
  • What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for ourselves?

2. An Interesting Animal – DISCUSSION

  • What kind of animals do people have in their homes?
  • A lot of animals are getting extinct these days. What do you think about this? Why is it happening?
  • Earlier people used animals for their work. Now, what do people use to do their work?
  • Researches are being conducted on animals, is this a good idea?

3. Successful small business – DISCUSSION

  • What qualities are required to become a company leader (or, CEO or, manager)?
  • In general, what factors do you think to determine whether a small company will become successful or not?
  • Do you think the latest technology plays an important role in a company’s development?
  • What do you think of charitable organizations?
  • Which do you think is better, to start your own business or to work for someone else?

4. A Crowded Place You Went To – Discussion

  • Why do a lot of people enjoy going to crowded places?
  • Where (or what) would you say is the most crowded place in your city?
  • Would you say it’s important for a city to have amusement (and/or recreational) facilities?
  • Why do you think people choose to live in big cities (despite certain problems)?
  • How do you think cities overseas are different from those in your country?
  • Would you say urban planning is important?

5. A Family Member You Spend Time With – DISCUSSION

  • What are the advantages of strong family relationships?
  • How many generations are usually living under one roof in your country?
  • What are the benefits, and drawbacks of a family of several generations living together?
  • Do both parents have equal responsibilities in taking care of their children?

6. A Person Often in the News – DISCUSSION

  • What is the difference between new media and old media?
  • Do you think the contents in the newspapers are reliable?
  • Do you think it’s necessary for people to watch foreign news?
  • How has social media changed how we consume news?
  • What kinds of (famous) people are usually in the news in your country?

7. The Desired Change to Your Local Area – DISCUSSION

  • Why do old people not like change?
  • Do you think it’s important for people to socialize with their neighbors?
  • How do people socialize with their neighbors?

8. A performance you enjoyed watching – DISCUSSION

  • Do you think traditional performances are important?
  • What do you think is the difference between watching a live performance and watching it on TV?
  • How do you think watching a dance performance or a stage play influences children?

9. An Important Text Message – DISCUSSION

  • Why do some people dislike using text messages?
  • Have the ways that people communicate with each other, changed much in the last few decades?
  • Why do people prefer texting as compared to phone calls?
  • Do you think modern technology has any negative influence on communication?
  • What do you think are some of the main differences between written communication and spoken communication?

10. A uniform you have worn – DISCUSSION

  • What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?
  • In your country, do schools provide similar uniforms to their students?
  • What kinds of professionals need to wear uniforms?
  • Do you think people wear clothes that reflect their personality?
  • Do you think women’s clothes show more variety than men’s clothes?

11. A Time When Someone Apologized to You – DISCUSSION

  • What kinds of people are most likely to say sorry?
  • In what situations do you think people need to (or, should) apologize?
  • What do you think of those people who don’t apologize very often?

12. An Article to Help People Improve Their Health – DISCUSSION

  • How do you think people could become healthier?
  • Are there any differences between the way old people and young people try to stay healthy?
  • Do schools in your country have any special activities to enhance the fitness of students?
  • Do you think people in the future will be doing more exercise and eating healthier than they are today?

13. A Trip by Public Transport – DISCUSSION

  • Do you think traffic jams would be reduced if people could travel on public transport for free?
  • Why do you think more and more people prefer to travel by plane?
  • What kinds of obstacles do you think some local governments have to face when they develop transportation infrastructure?

14. A Challenging Thing You Did – DISCUSSION

  • What challenges do young people face today?
  • How do (young people) handle difficult or challenging tasks?
  • Which do you think is better, to face these difficulties and challenges alone or to seek the help of others?
  • Do you think people need to be challenged?

15. A Person Who Taught You – DISCUSSION

  • In what ways can we encourage others to accept new ideas and things (accept innovation)?
  • Can you suggest how we could make children more interested in learning?
  • Who would you say is more important to the education of a child, the parents or teachers?

16. A Member of a Team – DISCUSSION

  • In a team, is it more important to pursue individual development or to achieve team targets?
  • Do you think it’s important for children to join teams to learn to cooperate with others?
  • Do you think disagreements among team members have a great influence on teamwork?
  • Can you suggest how teamwork could be cultivated in classes at school?

17. A Job You Would Not Like to Do – DISCUSSION

  • How do you think AI (artificial intelligence) will affect people’s work?
  • What would you say are the important factors to consider when choosing a career?
  • That technology will make some people lose their jobs. How do you think this problem should be handled?
  • Would you ever move to work and live in another city?
  • Is it common in your country for people to move to other cities because of work?
  • When young people choose their jobs, which do you think is usually more important, the salary or their interest in the work?

18. Some exciting experience – DISCUSSION

  • Do people in your country spend a lot of money on celebrating birthdays?
  • Do you think it’s necessary to spend a lot of money on holding a party?
  • Do people in your country usually go out to celebrate traditional festivals with others?

19. Time when you could not use mobile – DISCUSSION

  • Do you think there should be regulations on the use of mobile phones?
  • What do you think of primary school students owning a mobile phone?
  • What (minimum) age do you think is appropriate for owning a cell phone?

20. Prevented by the Weather – DISCUSSION

  • Do people in your country enjoy talking about the weather, as a small chat, when they meet each other?
  • What types of weather do people (in your country) prefer, cold or hot weather?
  • What kinds of people care most about the weather?
  • Would you say weather forecasts are usually accurate?

21. Something Difficult to Use – DISCUSSION

  • Do you often buy new things?
  • Would you say that advertising makes people buy more news things than they would if there was no advertising?
  • Do you think old(er) people have difficulties using some things that young people do not?

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