PREDICTED CUE CARDS – Sep 2021 to Dec 2021

PREDICTED CUE CARDS – Sep 2021 to Dec 2021

  1. Describe an occasion when you were scared or afraid. You should say:
    • When and where it happened?
    • Who you were with?
    • Why you were scared?
    • How you felt about it?
  2. Talk about a time when you did shopping in a street market. You should say:
    • What street market it was and where it was?
    • When it was?
    • What you bought?
    • How you felt about this shopping experience?
  3. Talk about a puzzle that you solved. You should say:
    • What puzzle it was?
    • How long it took to complete it?
    • Weather it was difficult or easy?
    • How you felt about it?
  4. Describe a city where you want to live in the future. You should say:
    • What city it was?
    • When you went there?
    • What you did there?
    • Why you liked it?
  5. Talk about your favourite singer. You should say:
    • Who this singer is?
    • When and where you listen to their songs?
    • What kind of music do they perform?
    • Why you like them?
  6. Talk about a piece of local news that people were interested in. You should say:
    • What news it was?
    • Who was involved?
    • Where you saw or heard it?
    • Why people were interested in it?
  7. Talk about a time when you helped your friend. You should say:
    • When it was?
    • How you helped your friend?
    • Why you helped your friend?
    • How you felt about it?
  8. Talk about an occasion you saw a lot of people smiling. You should say:
    • What occasion it was?
    • Where it was?
    • Why they were smiling?
  9. Talk about a plan you have for the future but not related to work or study. You should say:
    • What it is?
    • Why you have this plan?
    • What you will need to do in order to make the plan work?
    • how you think you will feel after you succeed?
  10. Talk about a tall building in your town or city that you like or dislike. You should say:
    • Where this building is?
    • What it looks like?
    • What it is used for?
    • Explain why you like or dislike it?
  11. Talk about a leisure activity near or in the sea that you want to try. You should say:
    • What activity it is?
    • How you should prepare for the activity?
    • Why you want to try it?
  12. Talk about an interesting old person. You should say:
    • Who this person is?
    • How you know this person?
    • What you like to do together?
    • How you feel about this person?
  13. Talk about something that you have shared with others. You should say:
    • What you shared?
    • When you shared it?
    • Who you shared it with?
    • Why you shared it?
  14. Talk about an article on health that you read online or in a magazine. You should say:
    • What the article was about?
    • Where you read it?
    • Why you read it?
    • How you felt about it?
  15. Talk about an art and craft activity that you had at school. You should say:
    • What you made?
    • How you made it?
    • What it looked like?
    • How you felt about it?
  16. Talk about a quiet place that you like to go to. You should say:
    • What place it is?
    • How often you go there when you go there?
    • What you do there?
    • Why you like this place?
  17. Talk about a movie that you like. You should say:
    • What the movie is about?
    • Where and when you watched it?
    • Why you liked it?
  18. Talk about a big company where you live that employs a lot of people. You should say:
    • What this company does?
    • How you know this organisation?
    • How big it is?
    • What kind of people work there?
  19. Talk about a time you saw something interesting on Social Media. You should say:
    • When it was?
    • Where you saw it?
    • What you saw?
    • Why it was interesting?
  20. Talk about a Law on Environment protection. You should say:
    • What the law is?
    • How you first learned about it?
    • Who benefits from this law?
    • How you feel about it?
  21. Talk about a time when you tried to do something but it was not very successful. You should say:
    • What you tried to do?
    • When it was?
    • Why you failed to do it?
    • How you felt about it?
  22. Talk about a useful piece of equipment, not the computer that you use at home. You should say:
    • What it is?
    • How you use it?
    • How often you use it?
    • Why it is important?
  23. Talk about a natural Talent that you want to improve. You should say:
    • What it is?
    • When you discovered it?
    • How you want to improve it?
    • How you feel about it?
  24. Talk about an activity you do often work or school. You should say:
    • What activity it is?
    • When and where you do this?
    • Who you do it with?
    • Why you do it?
  25. Talk about an argument two of your friends had. You should say:
    • What it was about?
    • When it was?
    • How it was resolved?
    • How you felt about it?
  26. Describe your favourite day of the week. You should say:
    • Which day it is?
    • Why do you like it?
    • What do you do on this day?
  27. Talk about an experience when you use were not allowed to use a mobile phone. You should say:
    • What you did when it was?
    • Where it was?
    • Why you were not allowed to use a mobile phone?